
Court of Honor – June 11, 2024


Congratulations to the scouts on Advancements and Merit badges earned for the June 2024 Court of Honor!



Eagle Scout Rank
– Sebastian Pampalone

Life Rank
– Daniel Becker,  Patryk Ziemkiewicz

Star Rank
-Ajay Persaud, Patrick Maguire,
Christian Restifo, Sean Zamidar,
Shane Zamidar

Tenderfoot Rank
– Sean Becker

Scout Rank
-Nicholas Gilleeny, Christopher
Hinson, Elam Ramirez

Merit Badges

Ajay Persaud
– Communication

Patrick Maguire
–  Citizenship in the Community and Exploration

 Patryk Ziemkiewicz
– Citizenship in the Nation

Samuel Sult
-Aviation, Chemistry, and Snorkeling


Please see full program here!